Jennyfer Rocio Amaya
East EPO High School
University of Rochester '16
B.A. in Archaeology Technology and Historical Structures (ATHS) and Italian Language and Culture Studies
After moving back from LA, Jenny is working as an afterschool teacher and community representative at her old high school.
Hannah Canale
Discovery Charter School
SUNY Geneseo '16
B.A English Literature
Hannah is attending graduate school at the University of Chicago for Urban Education with plans to work in an urban district in Chicago or to return to DCS
Lisle Coleman
Rochester City School District: Enrico Fermi School 17
University of Rochester '16
B.A. Public Health and Anthropology
Lisle is working at Bivonia Child Advocacy Center in Rochester, NY.
Isaiah Evans
Greater Rochester Summer Learning Association (GRSLA)
University of Rochester Class '16
B.A. Public Health
Isaiah is attending graduate school at the Warner School of Education at University of Rochester to receive his M.S. in Program Evaluation. He is currently a Graduate Assistant in the Rochester Center for Community Leadership.
Kyle Frink
Center for Youth Crisis Nursery of Greater Rochester
SUNY Geneseo '16
B.A. English Literature
Kyle returned and works in his home community of Albany, NY.
Anna Gershteyn
Connected Communities, Inc.
University of Rochester, Take 5 '16
B.S. Neuroscience, B.A. Spanish
Anna is currently attending medical school at the University of Rochester's School of Medicine and Dentistry.
Ngo Hna
Rochester City School District: Attendance
St. John Fisher College '16
B.A. International Studies
NuNu is currently working in the Rochester community and plans to attend graduate school.
LeeAna Hess
Empire Justice C.A.S.H. Coalition
Roberts Wesleyan '16
B.S. International Business & B.A Spanish
Currently LeeAna is serving in the PeaceCorps in the Dominican Republic as a Primary Literacy Instructor.
Angelika Kropiowski
Rochester City School District: Reading by Third Grade
University of Rochester ‘16
B.A. Russian & International Relations
Angelika is working in Rochester, NY and is volunteering in the city she has grown to love!
Molly Mackenzie
Consumer Credit Counseling Services of Rochester
University of Rochester '16
B.A. Public Health
Molly currently lives and works in Boston, MA.
David Markakis
Rochester Monroe Anti Poverty Initative (RMAPI)
University of Rochester '16 Take 5 Participant
B.A in Political Science & Music
Christina Mortellaro
M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence
SUNY Geneseo '15
B.A. in English and Communication
Christina is serving as VISTA Leader for the 2017-2018 cohort of Rochester Youth Year.
Claire Sobraske
EnCompass: Resources for Learning
Nazareth College '16
B.S. Biochemistry
Claire is attending Boston College's School of Social Work.
Bradley Willows
City of Rochester, Kiva Rochester
SUNY Geneseo '16
B.A. in International Relations and Spanish
Brad is serving on the Rochester mayor's re-election campaign. Afterwards, Brad would like to continue to work in Rochester and serve a community he has grown invested in.