Check out our cohorts from 2016 to 2020!

2016-2017: (Top Row) Brad Willows, Christina Mortellaro, Claire Sobraske, Jenny Amaya, Kyle Frink; (Middle Row – Standing) Anna Gershteyn, Molly Mackenzie, Abbie Deacon (RYY Staff), Erin Murphy (RYY Staff), Hannah Canale, Isaiah Evans; (Middle Row – Sitting) Lisle Coleman, LeeAna Hess, Angelika Kropiowski, Julie Elliot (VL), Ngo Hna


2017-2018: (Top Row) Christina Mortellaro (VL), Daniel Muhammad Graham Hughes, Keara Knight, Megan Frielburger, Leah Schwartz, Angela Rollins, Abbie Deacon (RYY Staff), Erin Murphy (RYY Staff); (Middle Row – Standing) Jianna Howard, Matt Trombley, Jamie Rudd, Parahk Patel, Ignacio Sanchez; (Front Row) Delia Cruz Nochebuena, Maria Torres, Sabata Harley, Liz Van Son, and Sara Peterson


2018-2019: (Top Row) Joseph Stephens, Aidan Ely, Evan Zachary, Ebone Creighton, Matthew Crawford; (Bottom Row) Thy Vo, Natalie Ziegler, Jenna Lawson, Melissa Szurgyi, Jessica Miller, Katy Hasselwander, Theresa Lippa, Aubrey Grube, Abby Krysztofowicz, Hilda Agyekum, Matthew Trombley (VL)


2019-2020: (Top Row) Jessia Miller (VL), Kaitlin Whitmoyer, Eleanor Haase, Taylor Plourde, Michael Dondorfer; (Middle Row) Sumaiya Islam, Hannah Dworsky, Jackie Bange, Jonah Goldstein, Jason Wolf; (Bottom Row) Swellar Zhou, Sophia McRae, Joe Pasko, Jesus Flores, Gabi Henry