Keith Alexander
Rochester Monroe Country Youth Bureau
St. John Fisher College '10
B.A. in English
Life After VISTA: Keith will be working with the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Monroe County and working to receive his Masters in Adolescent Education at The College of Brockport.
Derek Crowe
University of Rochester '10
B.S. in Biomedical Engineering
Life After VISTA: Derek decided that a year wasn't enough! He will remain at Freshwise Farms to serve as one of the official Farm to School Coordinators.
Brittany Forcione
Westside Health Services: Brown Square Health Center
Nazareth College '10
B.S. in Biology
Life After VISTA: Brittany will begin medical school at the University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry (URSMD). Seeing as how Rochester will be her home for the next 4 years, she is eager to continue working with the Refugee Health Promotion Program at the Brown Square Health Center. She also plans to remain active member of the Refugee Student Alliance at URSMD, a program that grew out of her work this past year.
David Kraines
Rochester Institute of Technology, Class of '10
B.S. in New Media Publishing
Life After VISTA: David is now the new Graphic Designer at DebtorWise, a non-profit devoted to "revolutionizing how consumers make financial decisions."
Ashley McAuslen
City of Rochester, Bureau of Recreation: Biz Kid$
Roberts Wesleyan College '10
B.S. in Accounting
Life After VISTA: Ashley hopes to work for an accounting firm and plans on heading to graduate school in the near future.
Kristina Nikiforova
SUNY Geneseo, Class of '10
B.A. in International Relations
Writers & Books
Life After VISTA: Kristina will be attending the Graduate School of Public & International Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh. She will be specializing in development planning and NGO management and hopes to pursue education policy and economic development work in the future.
Kaitlin Rohena
The Center for Youth Services
SUNY Geneseo '10
B.A. in Psychology
Life After RYY: Kaitlin has decided to remain a member of the RYY team as the 2011-2012 VISTA Leader. She will also be busy planning for her wedding this upcoming July. Upon completion of her second year of service, she hopes to attend graduate school
Audrey Westerman
Compeer Rochester
The College at Brockport '10
B.A. in Political Science
Life after VISTA: Audrey will be attend Law School at Drexel University. During her tenure at Drexel, she hopes to remain a mentor for at-risk youth in Suburban Philadelphia. Once she obtains her J.D., she intends to delve into public interest and advocacy law.
Kyvaughn Henry
RYY Program Coordinator, AmeriCorps VISTA Leader, Rochester Center for Community Leadership, University of Rochester
University of Rochester '09
B.A. in Health and Society
Life After RYY: Although her departure will be a bittersweet one, Kyvaughn is excited about all of the opportunities that will arise as a result of completing her second year of service. Upon the receipt of her Masters in Public Health from the University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry in 2013, she plans to either enroll for another 2 years of service with the PeaceCorps to implement HIV Awareness Programs in either the Caribbean or Sub-Saharan Africa or to continue her graduate studies in Women's Health or Non-Profit Management.