As we know, being an AmeriCorps member is more than just a one year pledge–it’s a lifetime commitment to service. Whether you’ve made public service your career or continue to volunteer as a hobby, we appreciate all of your efforts to make our community a more vibrant place to live. 

Want to stay engaged? Consider some of these options:

1. Join your local AmeriCorps Alums chapter.

AmeriCorps Alums is the only national network that connects nearly one million alumni together. AmeriCorps Alums offers career and graduate school fairs, public service job postings, and volunteer opportunities. Many local chapters host networking events, as well.

AmeriCorps Alums logo

2. Make sure you subscribed to our Newsletter! 

Subscribe through this link!

3.Serve as a mentor for current Rochester Youth Year VISTAs.

Remember when you were a new VISTA and struggling to adapt? Accomplishing everything in your VAD, learning a new organizational culture and living off a “modest” stipend? Wouldn’t it have been nice to talk to someone who had been in your shoes? Consider serving as a mentor to one (or more) of our current VISTAs! Meetings can be done virtually or in person and can be such a great benefit as our members move through the highs and lows of their year. If you’re interested in mentoring, email our VISTA Leader at

Closing Ceremony for Rochester Urban Fellows and Rochester Youth Year Fellows at Rochester City Hall featuring University of Rochester leaders Glenn Cerosaletti, Matthew Burns and Joel Seligman with mayoral assistant Darryl W. Porter July 30, 2013. // photo by J. Adam Fenster / University of Rochester
Closing Ceremony for Rochester Youth Year Fellows at Rochester City Hall  July 30, 2013. // photo by J. Adam Fenster / University of Rochester

4. Share your story and your impact.

Did your service with Rochester Youth Year make a difference in your life? Did it make a difference for your organization or project? Tell us how through a short “spotlight” interview. Read other spotlights here.

5. Speak or celebrate with us at our annual events.

We always look forward to reconnecting at our annual kick-off, luncheon, and closing ceremony!

6. Join in on days of service.

Every year, Rochester Youth Year members participate in national days of service, like Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, and local opportunities, like Clean Sweep. Keep your commitment to service alive by joining us for one of these events. If you have suggestions or opportunities to share, contact our VISTA Leader at